Personal Development


Transitioning out of a relationship can stir up uncertainty and anxiety. It may mean rethinking where you live, what you do for work, going back to school, creating parenting plans, dividing property, learning new financial systems, and acquiring new skills for independence.

Done well, relationship transitions can be catalysts for beautiful change in one’s life. I will work with you to identify your unique transition needs and a customized plan to get you from where you are to where you want to go with confidence.

I work with people on the full spectrum of neurotypes, gender identities, sexual orientations, and relationship structures. If you identify as LGBTQA+, CNM, and/or neurodiverse you are especially welcome and supported.


Don’t get lonely at the top! As an experienced female Entrepreneur and Non Profit Executive Director, I understand the pressure of all of the big decisions resting on your shoulders.

I specialize in helping female-identifying Entrepreneurs and Executive Directors find their footing and their voice, gain confidence, and master new skills such as budgeting, strategic planning, grant writing, change management, organizational development, and working with boards of directors. I am here to help you succeed in your leadership.